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Why Fair Trade?
Why Fair Trade?
What is Fair Trade?
Sustainable, Fair Trade (fair and equitable trade) in trade with developing countries that guarantees working conditions and living standards for producers and is environmentally sound.
Why is Fair Trade important?
To protect the human rights of producers in developing countries and the global environment. Selling agricultural and other products at fair prices can stabilise producers' living standards and promote self-reliance. At the same time, it contributes to preventing child labour, deforestation and the destruction of the global environment through the use of pesticides.
Some Japanese companies are currently working on building schools, planting forests, improving traceability in their supply chains and helping to eliminate child labour. Overall, however, fair trade is still far from widespread. The current business environment is moving towards environmental protection and the elimination of forced labour, and methods that impose unjustified sacrifices on producers are becoming less acceptable. Therefore, companies need to actively engage in Fair Trade from the perspective of protecting their own business.The Kamakura Ethical Lab is committed to doing various things to increase awareness of Fair Trade and to promote demand for Fair Trade products.