Coffee Project
Industrial and regional development cooperation

Cooperativa Departamental De Caficultores Del Huila Isnos
The Departamental de Caficultores del Huila is an organisation representing coffee growers in the Huila Department of Colombia. The association aims to defend the interests of coffee producers in the region and support sustainable production, quality improvement, marketing and export promotion.
The Departamental de Caficultores del Huila supports the production and distribution of these coffees, national and international recognition.
The organisation also offers programmes to promote sustainable agricultural practices and support the economic security of small producers. In particular, it provides technical assistance and training to improve quality and promotes Fairtrade to help coffee growers earn a better income.Fairtrade premium
Quality and productivity Premium funds are used to improve productivity and quality through the purchase of new drying and selection equipment. Strict quality controls are in place and the direct receipt of technical assistance and fertilisers has led to improved quality and production efficiency.
Health and education also benefit, and include life insurance for employees and their Financial support for family, medical services and higher education is provided, as well as the distribution of ‘school kits’ to the children of partners. The needs of both men and women are met and gender equality is promoted. 20 processing centres have been set up with technology to reduce carbon dioxide and water emissions, to save water during coffee selection, and disease-resistant coffee seeds have been distributed.

Post-harvest workers of the organization ©CADEFIHUILA

Coffee Producer ©CADEFIHUILA

General Assembly of members ©CADEFIHUILA
Coffee profile
Altitude 1,400-2,000 m
Harvest period Apr-Jun, Oct-Dec.
Cup profile:
Floral, honeyed aroma, full-bodied flavour.
Fairtrade certification ID 20740